Ingredient Sourcing

Ingredient Sourcing

Golden Hill Ingredients imports safe, high quality and affordable ingredients from around the world.

We connect our suppliers directly with our customers to ensure that business is conducted in a transparent manner. We share with our customers how and where we source our raw materials, how the materials are processed and who the people are that manage our supplier-partners.

Golden Hill Ingredients is not a trading company. We are a service provider that acts as a “see through” conduit between our suppliers and our customers. We have comprehensive food safety plans for each of our suppliers available for review at anytime.

We Manage:

  • ingredient qualification and sourcing
  • implementation of ongoing food safety programs
  • supplier document management to ensure up-to-date GFSI audits, kosher and other certifications and all other relevant documents our customers require
  • shipping
  • import processing
  • C-TPAT
  • FSMA Compliance
  • logistics
  • warehousing